The Yachting Association of India website is quite unique; in that our readership has Unique Users (over 20,000 a month) but more importantly we have real people who have joined our mailing list. From the armchair fan of sailing through to the top professional in our sport, on The Yachting Association of India you will reach our unique real membership. 50% of our readers are based in the Maharashtra, 30% in the Tamil Nadu with Kerala, Delhi, Uttrakhand, Goa , Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh , West Bengal making another 35% combined – in all we have readers in 13 States, in India and about 5% from other Countries. On an average month we deliver 200,000 page views and in any one week see over 5,000 visits to the site. Over half our readers visit EVERY day and they stay – an average visit lasts over seven minutes. With a background in conventional media, we maintain a traditional approach on "The Yachting Association of India" website. We deliver a trusted, clutter free, environment to some major brands and companies who book, and re-book advertising with us.

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Rs. 40,000 or US $ 800 per year.

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Rs. 75,000 or US $ 1300 per year.

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